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剑桥雅思3 test3的柱状图
剑桥雅思4 test3的柱状图(题目在78页,范文在我人人网公共主页的日志里)
剑桥雅思7 test4 的饼状图(题目在101页,范文在168页)
剑桥雅思8 test2 的饼状图 (题目在53页,范文在164页)
剑桥雅思8 test4 的曲线图 (题目在101页,范文在168页)

发明一种新语言用于国际交流的利弊LB;有人认为所有学生都该学外语,其他人则认为没天赋的可以不学DG;语言消失的原因和解决方案RS;机器翻译已经很发达了,孩子们没必要再学外语了AD; 学习一门语言,还应该学习该国的文化和生活方式AD; 有人认为孩子应该从小学而不是中学开始学外语AD;
有人认为博物馆为了娱乐,其他人则认为博物馆为了教育DG; 图书馆没有存在必要因为电脑科技可以取代它的功能AD; 博物馆应该获取国家的资助AD;
有人认为移民应该接受新国家的文化,其他人则认为移民要保持自己的文化DG;国家间日益增长的商业和文化交流的利弊/国际关系或合作日益紧密的利弊LB; 有人认为作为拜访者应该学习模仿东道国的习俗和行为方式,其他人则认为东道国应该包容文化差异; 多文化和多民族国家的优势和问题LB;
建筑应该注重使用功能,而不是外表AD;城市规划者将人们居住,购物,工作的地方分离开来的利弊; 有人认为应该把所有建筑设计成传统样式以保护文化的特性;
学商科、文科和艺术的学生不该从政府获得资助AD; 大学应该给穷学生更多进大学学习的机会AD;有人认为大学生应该支付自己上大学的全部费用AD; 如今年轻人面临很多问题,有哪些问题?该如何解决BT; 在失业率高的国家不应该向没希望找到工作的人提供中学教育AD; 私利中学对于学生和社会的利弊LB; 郑仁强原创,转载请注明出处
高中毕业后先去工作或旅行一段时间的利弊LB; 出国读大学的利弊LB; 年轻人到社区做义工的利弊LB; 学生存在行为问题的原因和建议RS; 孩子们以消极态度从学校毕业的原因和解决方案RS; 人际关系日渐淡漠的原因和影响RE
惩罚对于孩子教育的利弊LB;严格管教孩子的利弊LB; 孩子从小就要辛苦学习并承受压力的利弊LB;穷人家庭的孩子比富人家庭的孩子能更好地面对成年后的生活AD;鼓励学生批评老师的利弊LB;
学校应该教孩子如何竞争而不是合作AD; 有人提倡在家通过远程教育学习,有人则支持去学校和老师一起学习DG;读书比看电视更能培养想象力和语言能力AD;有人认为不同能力的孩子应该放在一起教,其他人则认为特别优秀的孩子应该单独教DG;孩子应该在家和父母住而不是住在学校AD; 现代游戏比传统游戏更能培养孩子的各方面能力AD; 死记硬背教育模式的利弊LB; 有人认为家庭对孩子的影响很大,其他人则认为家以外的因素(如老师,同龄人等)影响更大DG; 计算机/电视机/互联网对孩子成长的利弊LB; 随着电脑科技用于教育,老师的作用不再重要AD; 有人认为的孩子的成长由天性决定,其他人则认为后天培养更重要DG; 有人认为学校应该只教文化课(academic subjects), 像艺术和体育这样的科目就没用AD; 有人认为学生应该小组学习,其他人则支持独自学习DG; 大学应该走自己的路,不必去在意用人单位需要什么AD; 有人认为应该把国际新闻纳入学校课程,其他人觉得这是浪费时间DG; 出国留学的利弊LB;
有人认为老师只教知识就行了,其他人则认为老师还应该教学生如何明辨是非和如何为人处世DG; 所有父母都应该参加育儿培训课程AD; 住宿学校日益普及的原因和利弊R.LB;
太空探索的利弊LB; 科技发展对于农业生产和食品质量的利弊LB; 广泛使用机器的利弊;科技发展使工作,上学,购物等在家就可以完成的利弊LB; 任何时间和地点都能打电话的利弊LB; 科技发展改变了人们的娱乐方式,使人变得缺乏创造力AD; 早期科技的影响比最新科技的影响大AD; 有人认为科技发展拉大了贫富差距AD; 飞机(互联网等)是最伟大的发明AD; 科学研究应由政府实施控制,而不是私人公司AD;科学家没有能解决他们所制造的问题AD;
将动物用于科学实验的利弊LB; 丢弃型社会的利弊LB; 花钱去保护动物(环境)是在浪费资源AD; 环境问题只能通过国际合作来解决,个人、企业和单个国家都无能为力AD; 有人认为宰杀动物以获取食物残忍且没必要,其他人则认为这对类的膳食和健康是必要的DG;提高燃料价格是解决环境问题的最好办法AD; 有人认为推动科技发展有利于解决环境问题,其他人则认为更简单的生活方式能保护环境DG;消费品日益便宜的利弊; 动物园存在的利弊LB; 丢弃型社会的产生原因和解决方案RS;水资源缺乏的原因和建议RS; 人们很少采取行动去保护环境/动植物的原因和解决方案RS;垃圾日益增多的原因和解决方案RS转载请注明
有人认为国家成功的标准是繁荣的经济,其他人则认为是人民的生活水平DG; 有人认为国家应该花钱去造武器以加强国防,其他人则认为国家应该用这些钱去帮助弱势群体DG; 有人认为国家应该花钱去修建文化和体育项目,其他人则认为应该把钱花在基础设施(教育医疗)上DG; 政府应该花钱去预防疾病而不是治疗疾病AD; 有人认为政府应该为教育医疗(修路、治理污染、住房短缺、科研、退休保障)埋单,其他人则认为私人公司(个人)应该承担责任DG; 有人认为应该派新老师医生去农村地区,其他人则认为人们想去哪就去哪DG;有人认为政府应该确保公民的健康生活方式,其他人认为人们有权利选择自己喜欢的生活方式DG; 人们不应该交税AD; 人们应该尊重法制,不能为所欲为AD; 应该给予艺术家表述观点的自由,政府不该做任何限制AD; 社会越来越需要职业女性的贡献,因此政府应该提供人力物力来照顾她们的孩子AD; 有人认为吸烟是人的自由,其他人则认为吸烟是非法的应该予以禁止DG; 有人认为公民应该向政府交税AD;
有人认为应该制定法律来约束工人的上班时间AD; 有人支持始终在一家公司干同样的工作,其他人则支持频繁的更换工作DG; 人们开始干多个工作的原因和应对未来就业形势的建议RS;出国工作的利弊LB; 临时工作的利弊LB; 有人认为年轻人不适合担任政府的重要职位AD; 年轻人失业的原因和解决方案RS; 有人认为为了给年轻人更多机会,应该鼓励人们早点退休AD; 有人喜欢自己创业(self-employed), 有人则喜欢去给别人打工DG; 科技让老板而不是员工收益AD; 工作满足感的因素有哪些,是否能指望所有人都能实现工作满足感(job satisfaction)BT; 如今很多雇主在招聘员工的时候把学历看的比生活阅历和个人品质更重要,为什么,好事还是坏事R.LB; 有人认为年轻人应该上大学,其他人则认为他们应该去做汽车修理工或建筑工一类的工作来满足社会需求DG;
电视对家庭生活的利弊LB;国际媒体(如电视,报纸,杂志,电影)对当地文化的利弊LB;应该禁止所有形式的广告AD; 有人认为书的时代已经结束,书写文字对于信息传播和教育不再有必要;有人认为某种商品的热卖反映了广告的威力而不是社会的真正需求AD; 有人认为广告让人们丧失个性,使我们成为广告想让我们成为的样子AD;媒体对人们的观念和生活影响日益加大,分析下利弊LB; 电视上灾难和暴力画面越来越多的原因和影响RE;
鼓励城市居民、商业工业转移到小城镇去的利弊LB;交通通讯的快捷与发展对于个人和社会的利弊LB; 全球化的原因和后果RE; 城市快速发展带来的问题和解决方案RS;贫富差距日益拉大的原因和解决方案RS; 城乡差距日益拉大的原因和解决方案RS; 国家间的差异日益变小,如各国人们如今都倾向于看一样的电视,听一样的音乐,喜欢同样的品牌等,分析利弊LB; 国家间良好的关系变得日益重要AD;
小孩犯罪,父母应该承担责任AD; 媒体不该把犯罪的细节公之于众AD; 有人认为犯罪是不能够被预防的AD; 有人认为应该让罪犯去坐牢,其他人则认为应该让他们中有才能的去劳动(或给予他们教育和工作培训)DG; 年轻女性/青少年犯罪增长的原因和解决方案RS;有人认为监狱的作用就是惩罚犯罪,其他人则认为监狱还有其他的功能DG; 罪犯出狱后继续犯罪的原因和解决方案RS;
将货物运送到遥远其他国家去的利弊LB; 飞机旅行/使用汽车的利弊LB; 公园等公共娱乐设施应该给公路和铁路的建设让路AD; 改善道路安全的唯一方式就是对交通违规行为处以更严厉的惩罚AD; N
私营医疗服务的利弊LB; 快餐的利弊;公共健康日益恶化的原因和解决方案RS; 有人认为改善公共健康的最好办法是增加公共体育设施的数量,其他人则认为应该采取其他措施;人们寿命变长的原因和利弊R.LB; 有人认为通过教育可以使人少吃些垃圾食品,其他人则认为教育不管用的DG;
有人认为慈善组织应该帮助世界上最需要帮助的人,其他人则认为他们只该帮自己国家的人DG; 有人喜欢直接给需要帮助的当地社区提供援助,有人则喜欢通过慈善组织转交他们的援助DG; 有人认为应该给发展中国家提供经济援助,其他人则觉得免费教育医疗或引进新科技更好DG; 有人认为发达国家应该给发展中国家提供国际援助,其他人则认为这些援助会被发展中国家政府滥用DG;
国际给不同文化的人们带来的是紧张而不是理解AD; 国际旅游使人们心胸狭窄的原因和解决方案RS;有人认为利用文化传统搞旅游业赚钱会使其破坏,其他人则认为这是使之得以存留的唯一办法DG; 发展中国家大力发展旅游业的原因和利弊R.LB;
像世界杯这样的国际体育赛事能够缓解国家间的紧张关系AD; 有人认为代表一个国家的运动员和体育团体应该得到该国政府的资助,其他人则认为应由私人公司来资助DG; 有人认为个人或团体的实力决定了其参加体育赛事是否能成功,其他人则认为体育赛事取得=成功取决于精神态度DG;
有人认为人不可能不说谎,有时人不得不撒谎AD; 幸福的定义和实现因素;人们压力与日俱增的原因和解决方案RS; 明天是最重要的,有人认为个人和国家都该放眼未来而不是拘泥于眼前AD; 时尚成为人们挑选衣服的标准,分析原因和利弊R.LB; 政治家对世界的影响比科学家要大AD;
在过去50年里,年轻人取得了老人们失去的地位和权力,这是好事还是坏事LB; 老年人口比例日益增长的利弊LB; 有人认为老人住在养老院比住在家里要好AD; 人们对老人缺乏尊重的原因和导致的影响RE; 女人管理国家和世界的利弊; 15岁以下青少年人口比例日益增长的利弊;有人认为因为年龄或性别而拒绝招聘录用一个人是非法的AD;女人应该具备在入学,求职,参军等方面和男人一样的权利和机会AD;男女同校学习的利弊LB;

强哥2012年1月雅思写作预测精选 ?非牛人专用
1.Many parents use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to their children. Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What kind of punishment do you think parents and teachers can use?
2.Some people think immigrants should accept the new culture as their own. Others believe that they should keep their own culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
3.People can go to shop, bank, and work with computer. But the danger is that people are getting isolated and losing some social skills. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
4.Some people say that the best measurement of a country’s success is the quality of life people enjoy. Others argue that a prosperous economy is the key factor in a country’s success. Which opinion do you prefer?
5.Architects should worry about designing building as works of art. Do you agree or disagree?
6.Some people believe that in order to improve the public health the number of sports facilities should be increased. Others believe this it has little effect and other measures are needed to improve the public health. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
7.Some people think students can benefit from private secondary schools. Others believe they have negative effects on the society as a whole. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
8.There are more and more cars in the cities. Pedestrians and cyclists are endangered by the traffic. What’s more, gardens and parks give way to railways and superhighways. What is your opinion? How do city planners satisfy all people’s needs?
9.Some people believe that some unpaid community serivice should be a compulsory part of high school programme. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
10.Children who are brought up in families which do not have a great amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?
11.It is said that today people's lives are becoming increasingly stressful. What are the reasons of stress and how to solve the problem?
12.Some people think that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Others think that students of different abilities should be taught together. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
13.Telling truth all the time is not essential. On some occasions you have to tell lies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?郑仁强原创,转载请注明出处
14.Modern games are better for developing a wide range of skills for children than traditional games. Do you agree or disagree?
15.Rote learning is widely used in many education systems. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
16.Most countries spend a large amount of money on weapons to defend themselves, even though they are not at war. Those countries should spend that money to help their citizens who are poor and disadvantaged. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
17.Since cities have changed a lot, the size of the cities has grown enormously. Discuss the causes and consequences of the enormous size of cities.
18.It is better for older people to live in the nursing home than stay with their children at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
19.Some people think that the earlier technology has changed our life more than the recent technology. Do you agree or disagree?
20. Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people. Others think it is having an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
21.Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
22.Some people think that it is a moral obligation for developed countries to provide international aid to developing countries, while others worry that the aid might possibly be misused by the government of the poor countries and could not actually help the poor people to improve their living standard. What is your opinion?
23.Some criminals continue to commit crimes after being released from prison. What are the causes? Give some solutions.
24.A newspaper article reports that a boy who seriously damaged his school was made to clean the streets as a punishment. Do you think that young offenders should be sent to jail or should be punished in this way?
25.Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyles in order to prevent illnesses than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
26.Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to give road offences stricter punishment. Do you agree or disagree?
27.Motorised flight is the greatest invention in the modern world. No other invention has had a more significant impact on ou lives. Do you agree or disagree?
28.Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to the new generation, companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree?
29.Differences between countries are becoming less evident nowadays. People tend to have the same films, music, brands, TV channels, etc. To what extent do you think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
30.Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe that it is the only way to help traditions to remain in the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
31.There is a shortage of water resources everywhere. Analyze the reasons and give some solutions.
32.Some people think smoking should be made illegal in the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
33.Some people prefer to provide help or support directly to the local community. Others prefer to give money to national or international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
34.Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?
35.Some people say the age of books is past, and the information will be presented by some multimedia such as video, computer and television; others think the book and the written words will be necessary for spreading information and complete education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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