小编: 201环球教育口语主讲:王晓
Key words: purpose, hardship, solution, logic way, Practical Methodologies
Students must know:
It’s your English speaking ability & your logic thinking skills being tested.
The purpose of IELTS Speaking test: 考察日常生活学习对话能力and逻辑思维能力.
The common hardship:
Speechless无话可说的尴尬状况 - 直接影响考官的评分印象
Build up your language foundation by one word ? practice as much as you can by communication in English & Movies or TV show
Put personal attachment into your speaking interview to earn higher marks
Logical ways of 拓展思路
1:From different aspects多角度,with full coverage全面
To Avoid: 思考角度单一 plus 内容不丰富
The right Methodology: 从多角度思考并合理。You must先直接给明确答案,保证考官了解你已经领会了问题的用意。
2:”Show Time” with Logical thinking & Fine Structure
Start with主动性拓展答题,不要只回答考官提问,在考官问题基础上自己增加信息量。Followed by灵活套用自问自答方式then把所需回答内容的关键信息and发散开来的信息一起传达给考官by one shot。Keep it in mind that内容拼凑&合理完整,don’t 胡编乱造,没有逻辑性。Plus需要注意的是掌握适度原则,否则也可能被认定偏题。
The best way to rock it: use积极答题方式plus表述中灵活加入想法,找生动Examples and Stories让内容丰富和个性化。
Practical Methodologies
1:Use “反向”、“迂回”logical thinking skills
反向thinking skills:: bring out大部分人想不到的事物,让考官产生新鲜感。只有做到特别,才能拿高分。Plus迂回thinking skills: 通过多角度、多层次回答问题,达到fulfillment & accuracy。
2:学说谚语Plus being hilarious
The best way to be simple and unique: 多积累,考试中用上一两句效果会be outstanding。还要记得发挥一些imagination,多运用humorous 。
3:Personal Attachment个人理解
Always apply extension,把个人想法、感受sublime到更高层次的境界,提高通篇的思想。如果把握不好主题较宽或难度大的题目,可以从个人opinion and feelings点切入,把问题简单化。