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  Part 1   1. Study or work   学生还是工作?   如是学生:什么专业,喜欢吗,为什么选,喜欢什么中学学科   如是工作:什么工作,接受过培训吗,想换工作吗   2. 2. Hometown   从哪儿来,喜欢家乡吗,适合年轻人或老年人居住吗,为什么   家乡的交通怎么样,有什么特点,公共交通怎么样   3. Living   住哪儿(细化到apartment),喜欢吗,最喜欢哪个房间,未来想住什么样的房子   喜欢邀请别人做客吗,一般做什么   4. Language   会说几门外语,学外语好处,未来想学哪门,为什么   5. Sport/exercise   做运动吗,有什么好处,小时候喜欢什么运动,人们都应该运动吗   6. Dancing 重回题库   会跳舞吗,未来想学吗,有什么好处,你们家乡人们喜欢跳什么,老人年轻人区别   7. Driving   有驾照吗,会开车吗,喜欢坐车还是开车   8. Neighbor   认识邻居吗,关系如何,多久见一次,如何互相帮助   9. Internet   上网吗,干什么,网络如何改变生活,网络和电视的区别   10. Cell phone   用手机多吗, 未来的变化, 未来手机还必不可少吗   11. Reading   喜欢读书吗,读什么书,小时候喜欢读什么,读书的好处   12. Future 重回题库   未来的计划,想做什么,计划重要吗,如何实现计划   13. Shopping   喜欢购物吗,会网购吗,网购未来的发展如何   14. Newspaper 重回题库   喜欢看吗,看本地的还是全国性的多,报纸对生活的影响   15. Swimming   会游泳吗, 什么时候学的,游泳的好处   16. Weather/climate   家乡的天气如何,喜欢什么天气,近些年天气变化   17. Collection   喜欢收藏东西吗,是什么,儿时有收藏的习惯吗,小孩子收藏的好处   18. Time preference 重回题库   喜欢一天中的哪个时间段,为什么,都做什么   19. Weekend time   周末一般如何计划,会旅游吗,去什么地方   20. Child 新题   你喜欢什么样的小孩子,你小时候是什么样的?   21. Birthday   你如何庆祝生日,上个生日怎么过的,中国人庆生习惯   22. Noise   讨厌什么噪音,生活中遇到哪些噪音,如何控制   23. TV   喜欢什么电视节目,什么时候看,未来的趋势   24. Film   喜欢看电影吗,在家看还是影院,跟谁看,什么时候看   被换掉的题,可做二级重点,适当准备   1. Color   喜欢什么颜色,想把房间涂成什么颜色,颜色作为购物的影响因素吗   2. Number   幸运数字,不喜欢的数字,中国人欢迎和不喜欢的数字   3. Cooking   家里谁做饭,你会吗,年轻人应该学习吗   3. flower and bird (建议把“花”和“鸟”仍然认真准备一下,以防有变化)   Part 2   1. People and animals 33%   2. Places and buildings 24%   3. Objects 13%   4. Events and experiences 18%   5. Media and entertainment 12%   新题汇总   1.A situation you got congratulations from others 你被恭喜的经历   2. An experience of getting money as a gift 收到钱作为礼物的经历   3.A class at school 上过的一节课   4. The culture of another country   People and animals   一级重点   1. A kind of animal in your country 绝对重点   2. An old man you want to talk to 绝对重点   3. A child   4. Two family members in a family 重回题库   5. Someone who taught you some useful skill 重回题库   6. A leader who is one of your friends   7. A person who helped you   8. A good student you used to study with   9. Good personality of yours   二级重点   1. A teacher you want to meet again   2. A character in a childhood story   3. a famous/successful person you admire   4. a person who lives a healthy life   Places and buildings   一级重点   1. a historical/an old place(最好是准备家乡附近的) 绝对重点   2. a foreign country you want to go to 绝对重点   3. a restaurant you like 绝对重点   4. a work place   5. an ideal apartment/house   6. an interesting shop 重回题库,方向稍有改变   7. An open-air place   8. A park or garden you are familiar with   9. A city you plan to go to   二级重点   1. a peaceful place   2. a place with water   3. a hotel   4. a school building   5. a swimming place   Objects   一级重点   1. A family photo 绝对重点   2. A piece of furniture 重回题库 绝对重点   3. A letter you received   4. An antique or old thing your family has kept for a long time 绝对重点   5. Something expensive you bought   6. Something you bought made in other country 绝对重点   7. A book you want to read again   8. Something made by yourself/a handicraft 绝对重点   9. A lost thing   10. A kind of foreign food you’d like to try   二级重点   1. a toy   2. clothes given by a friend   3. an electronic equipment   Events and experiences   一级重点   1. Experience of being angry of something 绝对重点   2. A meal you had 绝对重点   3. A positive change in your life 绝对重点   4. Experiencing a bad weather 绝对重点   5. An outdoor activity   6. A small business you want to run 重回题库   7. A wedding you took part in 绝对重点   8. Your favorite subject at school   9. An job you want to try 绝对重点   10.A travel you had when you were a child   11. Changes of your hometown in recent years   12. A conversation through the phone   二级重点   1.A public event   2. A birthday   3. Something successful you did   4. A walk you had with a friend   Media and entertainment   1. A film you like   2. A TV program you like(dislike/educational)

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