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    1. Some people say university students should pay for their tuition fees. Some others say the government should pay for the tuition fees. What is your opinion?

    2.Nowadays it is difficult for university graduates to find a job. Analyze the personal and social reasons and offer some solutions.

    3.Some people hold that old people should be taken care at home, while others think they should be placed in old people’s house. What is your opinion?

    4.It is generally acknowledged that the relationship among family members is now not as close as it used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.

    5.Some people hold that advertisements should be restricted. Do you agree or disagree?

    6.Traffic jam is a problem in big cities. What causes the problem? Make some suggestions.

    7. Some people hold that the development of modern technology leads to environmental pollution and energy shortage. Do you agree or disagree?

    8.Some people hold that criminals should be sent to prison. Some others think they should do something else outside prison as the punishment? What is your opinion?

    杨凡老师认为:2月份Task 1考流程图或者地图的概率为20%。

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